Occupying about 400 square kilometers, Terceira is the third largest island of Azores archipelago, but the second in population, and home of approximately 56000 inhabitants.
Terceira Island is an enchanting land of natural beauty which may be enjoyed from numerous viewpoints, it is culture and fun, it is fine food and wine, it is … dazzling.
The people of the island are welcoming and friendly, kind and upfront, and welcome visitors as if they were families. Visiting Terceira is going back home. Your home.
Live it intensely, as if tomorrow were the last day of your lives.

Atlantis Legend
It is said that there was once a vast continent in the middle of the Atlantic called Atlantis. It was a wonderful place…

Geography and Climate
The second most inhabited island of the Azores, with approximately 56 thousand inhabitants (2008)…

In early 1449, this island was the third of the archipelago to be known by the Portuguese Navigators…

Like the other azorean islands, Terceira island is of volcanic origin, with a variety of forms, rocks and unique structures…

Surf, body board, windsurf, water skiing, jet skiing, towing buoys or gulling can be practiced at Praia da Vitória…

Samples of the so-called Architecture or House of Ramo Grande can be found in the municipality of Praia da Vitória…

The Azorean archipelago, with its rich history and many traditions, is known for its arts and handicraft…

During the Carnival, Carnival dances are quite typical and a singular manifestation of popular theatre…

Food & Drinks
The cuisine of Terceira is marked by alcatra, generally made with fish or beef (in the bone). This is a typical dish…